Vinyl Repair Kit
School Bus Vinyl Repair Kit

National Guaranteed Vinyl, Inc. is the leading authority in Vinyl repair systems. This method was developed in the late 1960's. Since the early development of the vinyl repair system, many improvements have been made. The system has improved with great success throughout the years enhancing the curing process making our vinyl repair stronger and last longer than any system on the market

The vinyl repair kit can be used to repair tears, holes, peeled vinyl, corners, and seams. A heat gun is used to cure the Liquid Vinyl (compound). This kit can repair a 6" cut in less than 3 minutes. The repairs with this kit are less time consuming than replacing seat covers and less expensive. 

Other items may be repaired such as weight room equipment & mats, and office equipment.

Repair cuts and tears while still small and this will reduce foam damage. Children will not be able to pull foam from hole in preexisting cut.

Apply a smooth layer of Liquid Vinyl (compound) on top of the cut or tear. Cut a piece of mesh slightly larger than the cut. Place mesh over the cut and compound. Apply heat to the compound and mesh to cure it. Apply pressure with graining pad to put grain pattern in repair. Applying at least 3 layers of compound, heating each time, the cut is then repaired. Use aerosol paint to spray over repair to match seat color.

 The vinyl repair kit contains the following:  Before  After

  1. P.V.C. Constructed Case
  2. Pints of Liquid Vinyl
  3. Aerosol Paints
  4. Palette Knife
  5. Pack of Rubber Graining Pads (2 per pack)
  6. Pair of Scissors
  7. Sheet of Mesh
  8. Adhesive Cleaner Aerosol Can
  9. Pack of Upholstery Pins (2 per pack)
  10. Instructional DVD/Video
  11. Heat Gun (Electric or Propane)